Sunday 12 April 2020

Stock Return Matrix

Pharma Stock Return matrix

Wood & Wood Products Stock Return Matrix

Printing & Stationary Stock Return Matrix

Media Stock Return Matrix

Friday 10 November 2017

Contra investment

Contra Investment   : Understand in one image

For making short term investment, just remember

Believe in diversification

Find where smart money is going, keep moving

Keep additional cash in hand

Use your money only to invest where growth & transparency is

Invest in company which is growing

Invest in companies which are not defaulting in payment of debt

Identify who are leader & ride with them

Keep faith in good management


Sunday 5 November 2017

Meaning of Zombie Companies

Whether you Invest in Zombie Companies or not ?   

It's easy to say "No" to zombie companies but difficult to decide when to exit from any company before it becomes zombie. 

Every businesses has to pass from life cycle chain that consist phases like Start ups, Growth, Maturity and Decline...

Entry and Exit are the two crucial points in Investment. Mostly company can become zombie in start up or decline phase because of lack of funds, lack of innovation and high level of competition.. 

Keep tracking performance of your portfolio periodically if you are full time investor otherwise choose good mutual fund plan or consult with your financial adviser.  

Thursday 19 October 2017

Value Investment in stock market-quote-1

Message of the story : No one can accurately predict what will happen tomorrow or after 5-10 yr if you "INVEST" today.