Thursday 19 October 2017

Value Investment in stock market-quote-1

Message of the story : No one can accurately predict what will happen tomorrow or after 5-10 yr if you "INVEST" today.

Friday 13 October 2017

Value Investment in stock market-pic 2

Stock market investor and their expectation

What Equity Investor may expect...

Good leadership skill 

Simplicity to handle difficult situation  

Accountability towards shareholders 

How promoters/boards will Implements new business ideas on ground level  
How company will generate growth 

How company will pay rewards to shareholders.

Expectations of stock market investors are endless but remember it's not easy to fulfill every expectations of stock market investors. 

Keep faith, stay invested consistently, Think positive, believe in long term, devote time in reading annual reports, update and review your portfolio in case you wants to diversify and finally earn rewards & accept responsibility of risk of capital if market corrects. 

If you believe in long term and quality stock then treat correction as opportunity to buy at lower levels.       

Value Investment in stock maket